Spring 2025 PreMarriage | Tempe Campus

All of life is about relationships, and marriage is one of the most important you'll ever have.

So, it makes sense to focus your time and energy on setting your marriage up for success.

Join us for our 4-week PreMarriage Course, where we help you and your future spouse
understand how to have a healthy and fulfilling marriage.

Sign up today and set your marriage up for success before it has even started.

Location: Tempe Campus, 6101 S River Dr., Tempe, AZ 85283
Dates & Times:  6:30 PM - 8:00 PM  starting Wednesday, April 2, 2025 (will meet for 4 weeks)
Cost: $50 / Per Couple**

**Be sure to register 2 people

Childcare is available for kids ages birth - 4th grade for an additional fee of

$ 12 per week for 1 child ($48 Total) and
$5 per week for each additional child

How many people will you be registering?